The new Brunton Standard Transit brings the classic features of a Brunton Transit to a sleeker instrument. It retains a nearly identical mechanical setup to the classic Brunton, but the aluminum housing is much more durable, which is great for field geologists that are in extreme environments. The biggest technical improvement is that the inclinometer lever is now contained within a recessed housing and the ring on the base has been removed, allowing for much easier low-angle measurements. Most folks won’t notice the switch to disk magnets, like those used in the high-end Brunton models, but the nice addition improves the response time of the magnetic needle. The small bottle opener on the side of the housing is also a nice touch and shows that Brunton understands its customers, but also gives the third best excuse to upgrade from your trusty old transit. Overall, this instrument combines the classic design of the Brunton Transit and the durability and flat base of the higher-price transits, in a much sleeker design.
Dr. Matthew McKay
Missouri State University